22 December 2017

Are barriers causing issues with underground services? CSP have the solution

Most barrier systems including guardrail, wire rope and terminal ends involve the use of a post driven into the ground. Where there are underground services located in the vicinity of the barrier installation, the use of driven posts can cause serious issues. It can sometimes even result in thousands of dollars of expense if the services are damaged during the installation.

CSP has flange based versions available of our most common barrier systems that provide a solution to deal with these situations.

X-350 Bolt Down End Terminal

Click here for FX666-1-R2 Nu-Guard bolt down post arrangement for new concrete bridge slab installation.

Click here for FX645-2-R6 Bolt down X-350 Foundation Requirements.

Bolt Down Trailing End Terminal

Click here for FX701-1-R3 Nu-Guard Steel Bolt Down CURVED Trailing End Terminal GA.

Click here for FX701-3-R1 Nu-Guard Steel Bolt Down STRAIGHT Trailing End Terminal GA.

Nu-Guard® 31 steel post barrier system bolt down

Click here for FX666-1-R2 Nu-Guard bolt down post arrangement for new concrete bridge slab installation.

Click here for FX666-2-R1 Nu-Guard bolt down post arrangement for existing concrete bridge slab installation.

Bolt Down Armorwire Wire Rope Safety Barrier

Click here for FX612 R5 Armorwire - Line Post on Base Plate.

All these systems are accepted for use by the NZ Transport Agency on a site specific basis.

The bolt down Armorwire and Nu-Guard 31 systems should be installed onto standard NZ Transport Agency ground beam. Details can be found here. The concrete pad details for the bolt down X-350 and Trailing End terminal is detailed in the systems drawings.