Technical Note: NZTA Specification M23 – Current status and location
CSP receive many enquiries from clients regarding the status of New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) Specification M23 – Road Safety Hardware and where can it be found on the NZTA website. The latest update from NZTA is as follows:
“The NZTA specification for road safety hardware is under review. During this period, the M23 page on the Transport Agency website is to be considered the best source for information relating to the Transport Agency’s road safety hardware requirements. The phrase “compliant with M23” means M23, the current Appendix A, the current Notes, and all other documents such as interim acceptances and technical memoranda that clearly reference M23 should be used as the sources of compliant product and installation information.”
Please note in all cases the product interim acceptances over rule what is stated in the current M23 Appendix A and you should check the interim acceptances first.
For more information email: at NZTA or
Phone: 0800 655 200