Armorwire a good looking choice

Armorwire® Wire Rope Barrier is a legacy product

When looking at the safety upgrade planned for a stretch of road on SH2 at Whirinaki just north of Napier, the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) considered the various edge-of-road barrier options available, taking into account the natural vista of the location.

“When we were looking at options the NZTA wanted to use a wire rope barrier so that the view, as you round the bend heading north, is not impeded by a solid barrier,” said John Holschier, Highway Safety Engineer for Opus International Consultants. “CSP’s Armorwire Rope Barrier fitted these requirements.”

“The use of Armorwire in this location was to do with not spoiling the view and of course its reliability as a side-of-road NCHRP350 TL-4 accepted barrier,” says Jeremy Mallendar, Sales Engineer for CSP.

“McNatty Construction, the contractors tasked with the installation of the wire rope system, are a very reliable, experienced contractor for us,” says John. “The tight curve of the road did require the posts to be spaced a bit closer and they had some issues with the soil conditions so there was a fair bit of engineering involved in this job.”

As the first wire rope installation in the Hawkes Bay, a lot was learned by those involved. With the installation now complete and with NZTA’s brief to preserve the vista as much as possible met, everyone is pleased with the result.

“As this was the first installation of wire rope for us, Jeremy from CSP was very helpful and supportive,” adds John. “He also was on site to help supervise the tensioning of the cables. It all went well and looks good which was the point.”
Principle:New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA)
Contractor:McNatty Construction
Engineer:Opus Consultants, Napier
Location:SH2 at Whirinaki north of Napier
Product:Armorwire Wire Rope Barrier System
DateAugust 2013

Bridge Rail from CSP® makes for a good looking retrofit!

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