ArmorZone™ TL-2 Plastic Barrier proving its worth

NZTA’s Western Corridor has been identified by the government as part of the seven roads of national significance (RoNS) and is critical for supporting economic growth, reducing congestion, improving safety and managing forecasted traffic growth on SH1 in Christchurch.

The SIMTL section was awarded to HEB Construction Ltd in February this year. Adolph Marmetschke, Area Manager for HEB Construction explains, “the project programme allowed a generous time between contract award and the start of physical work. This gave us plenty of time to plan and evaluate traffic barrier options.”

With work on an active highway taking place over approximately 2kms, the safety of the HEB staff and road-users is paramount. Traffic management is a major part of this 27 month project with HEB looking at various systems to create a safe work zone for their people. In addition, the length of the project meant they had to consider the pros and cons of purchasing vs. hiring the 250 barriers required.

The team at HEB narrowed down the choice to two suitable options including CSP’s ArmorZone™ TL-2 Plastic Barrier and Terminal End. “After weighing up the costs to purchase over hiring we decided that purchasing the barrier for this project was the best option,” adds Adolph. “CSP’s ArmorZone™ TL-2 Plastic Barrier has NZTA acceptance for up to 70km/h and is fully compliant which ended up being the deciding factor for us.”

With Christchurch at the beginning of a long journey in the redevelopment and rebuild of the city Adolph explains that purchasing the CSP’s ArmorZone™ TL-2 Plastic Barrier and Terminal End was not just about cost. “There were several reasons why we bought them - with all the work going on in the city over the next 5-10 years we will definitely use them on future projects. Flying the banner for HEB is really important as well. The barriers with our printed logos look great.”

With CSP’s ArmorZone™ TL-2 Plastic Barrier protecting motorists, HEB’s people and acting as bill boards for HEB Construction - they are certainly proving their worth.

Principle:New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA)
Customer:HEB Construction Ltd
Location:SH1 Christchurch: Yaldhurst to South Island Main Trunk Line (SIMTL)
Product:ArmorZone™ TL-2 Plastic Barrier
DateOctober 2012

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