Designed specifically for Tamaki Drive

Auckland’s Tamaki Drive is one of the city’s most attractive and high profile routes and is a major access to and from the city. Over recent years Auckland City Council has commissioned the upgrade of various areas along the corridor that had been identified as needing improvement in an independent safety audit. The various stages of improvements have included the upgrade to specifically designed lighting columns from CSP.

“The design was chosen a few years back when the work first began on the lighting upgrade of Tamaki Drive,” said Adrian Rodriguez, Sales Engineer for CSP. “It’s a very elegant and slender round column which includes a banner arm with a 2m outreach. Initially this column was specially designed for Tamaki Drive but the columns have become so popular they are now part of our standard range and are known as the ‘Tamaki’ column.”

With stages 3 and 4 completed, CSP has supplied another 60 columns to Transfield Services for stages 5 and 6.

“Amongst the 60 columns ordered we were also asked to make modifications to seven columns for telecommunications and bridge attachments as per specifications,” adds Adrian.

“We have worked with CSP from the start on this project and it has all gone well,” says Paul Ututaonga, Project Manager for Transfield Services. “These columns are a vast improvement on what was there. They are not going unnoticed as we often get compliments from the passing public and the Tamaki yacht club whose members are pleased with the elegant new columns.”

A first on this project for CSP and Transfield Services is the approval and use of a self adhesive tape to create the black and white stripes used on the columns at pedestrian crossings.

“In the past these stripes have been painted on,” says Adrian. “This highly reflective tape is quicker and easier to install and far more reflective for motorists, helping with safety at pedestrian crossings.”

With stages 7 and 8 yet to commence, CSP’s columns will once again be used to complete the upgrade to one of New Zealand’s best known drives.

Customer:Auckland Transport
Contractor:Transfield Services New Zealand
Project:Tamaki Drive lighting upgrade
Location:Tamaki Drive, Auckland
Product:Decorative columns
DateOctober 2013

Bridge Rail from CSP® makes for a good looking retrofit!

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