Nu-Guard® 31 Steel Guardrail System saves lives on the Kilmog

In May and June of this year CSP’s Nu-Guard® 31 Steel Guardrail System and Safence™ Wire Rope Safety barrier were installed on several locations of the Coastal Otago State Highway network by Fulton Hogan (Tim Toomey) - including a section of road on Kilmog Hill on SH1 north of Dunedin - as part of the New Zealand Transport Agency’s safety retrofit program managed by Roy Johnston, NZTA.

Jeremy Byfield, MWH New Zealand found that in the last ten years there had been two crashes, due to icy conditions, on a section of the Kilmog where vehicles went over the bank, one causing serious injury.

“This site was identified, designed and constructed in less than four months and was one of four sites designed within that timeframe,” said Mike Brazil, Project Manager for MWH New Zealand Ltd. “With a relatively narrow shoulder, a steep high embankment and no scope for widening, Nu-Guard® 31 Steel Guardrail System was ideal for this section of Kilmog Hill.”

"Raymond Kuys and Ian Rowland from CSP were available with design advice and support at all hours of the day and night," added Mike. "They put together orders in what must have been record time. Without them this and five other projects simply wouldn't have happened," added Mike.

Several weeks after the Nu-Guard® 31Steel Guardrail System was installed on Kilmog Hill, a driver lost control on this corner due to frosty conditions. The guardrail prevented the car from crashing over the bank and causing serious injury. The driver and family were extremely grateful for the guardrail and have asked that thanks be passed on to the people involved in the installation.

"It was good to see how well it worked and how it prevented the vehicle from going over the bank," said Raymond Kuys, Business Development Manager, CSP. "This site would have been difficult, if not impossible, for timber posts to be installed at - not to mention reducing the width of the road with block outs. I am very happy that Nu-Guard 31™ prevented serious injury for this driver."

Other sections of road included in the upgrade with CSP's road barriers are:

  • Aviemore - A section of SH 83 on the Waitaki River Valley that is prone to high winds. While no crashes have been reported on this section of road, it is considered to be relatively high risk and Safence™ TL4 Wire Rope Barrier was installed.
  • Waitaki Bridge - State Highway 1 north of Oamaru where, over the last eight years, there has been a fatal and a serious injury crash. Safence™ TL4 Wire Rope Barrier and TL3 Guardrail on timber posts and blockouts was installed.
Customer:New Zealand Transport Agency
Location:Kilmog Hill, SH1 north of Dunedin
Product:Nu-Guard® 31 Steel Guardrail System

Bridge Rail from CSP® makes for a good looking retrofit!

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