Very versatile VMS boards help out in Devonport

The upgrade of Marine Square in Devonport, which began in February, created some interesting challenges for the Downer team - the contractor awarded the upgrade work by Auckland Transport. As Downer worked to keep businesses operating, traffic flowing and their teams safe during construction, CSP’s Hire team were on hand to help.

“We have used CSP for many years for their hire traffic management products,” says Harish Giri, Construction Manager for Downer New Zealand. “When we got to the stage that we were looking at how we could keep traffic moving through the site we called Mario Bennett from CSP to discuss what was available and how it would work.”

Looking at the work site Mario suggested the use of CSP’s portable traffic light, ArmorZone TL-2 plastic barrier and a variable message board (VMS) - all to help protect the Downer team and to inform motorists of the changing roading format.

“When we started discussing the road layout with Mario we were pleasantly surprised to see how much information could be programmed onto the VMS board,” explains Harish. “Mario has been able to show two clearly marked directions on the board which can be seen by motorists - and from quite a way back.”

“The use of the VMS board has been very useful and practical,” adds Harish. “We have also found the ArmorZone barrier has been really easy to relocate when we have had to move it around the work zone. We are very happy with CSP’s help. Even the removal of the barriers at various stages has gone without a hitch. The guys have just been fantastic.”

The changes to Marine Square are intended to enhance the seaside village’s character with a new gateway and character-filled urban spaces and include a new boardwalk and improvements to Devonport Wharf. Locals and visitors can expect completion by early 2015.

Principle:Auckland Transport
Contractor:Downer New Zealand
Location:Marine Square, Devonport
Product:CSP’s hire range: VMS boards, portable traffic lights and ArmorZone
DateOctober 2014

Bridge Rail from CSP® makes for a good looking retrofit!

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