Victoria Park Tunnel ArmorGuard™ Gate Barrier - just in case

As cities around the world plan for ever increasing demands on their motorway systems the construction of tunnels, often in built up areas, are effective solutions to ease traffic congestion. The newly completed Victoria Park Tunnel is Auckland’s answer to the growing demand on the Auckland motorway system with an estimated 165,000 vehicles accessing this section of motorway daily.

“When looking at traffic management within the new tunnel and surrounding sections of motorway we had to consider the possibility of all emergency situations: vehicle accidents, fire, and even flooding - although extremely unlikely - and how we could strategically deal with traffic flows if an emergency occurred,” says Chris Quigan, Design Engineer for Beca Consultants. “For that reason three of CSP’s ArmorGuard™ Gate Barriers were included in the motorway barrier design - just in case.”

The ArmorGuard™ Gate Barrier is a heavily reinforced steel barrier that is approved to NCHRP Test Level 2 and Test Level 3 criteria. It is designed for emergency openings and attaches to conventional concrete median or roadside barriers.

  • The complete system can be assembled on site or at an offsite location
  • It quickly and easily opens or closes without electrical power supplies or sophisticated control systems
  • It takes less than five minutes for two people to open or close the Safeguard™ Gate Barrier
  • It is designed for permanent and stationary work zone barriers and is ideally suited for applications where emergency vehicles, maintenance crews and emergency evacuation access is required

The ArmorGuard™ Gate Barrier is a quick-to-install, cost-effective, efficient means of providing emergency access or maintenance crew openings to conventional concrete median or roadside barrier.

“The installation of three x 20m ArmorGuard™ Gate Barriers, two on the southern side of the tunnel and one on the northern end, means that we can divert northbound traffic back onto the viaduct section of motorway in an emergency,” says Bryan James, Project Engineer for the Victoria Park Alliance. “This is an upgrade of the old barrier and socket system that was removed during construction.”

“If an incident did occur, without this option of relieving the build up of vehicles, Auckland City could come to a halt,” adds Chris. “With CSP’s ArmorGuard™ Gate Barrier installed at least traffic can keep moving.”

Principle:Victoria Park Tunnel Alliance
Consultant:Beca Consultants
Location:Victoria Park Tunnel
Product:ArmorGuard™ Gate Barrier
DateFebruary 2012

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