VMS effective as speed deterrent at manufacturing plant

In a bid to further improve site safety at a Papakura manufacturing plant, Humes Pipeline Systems has loaned a Variable Message Sign (VMS) from sister company CSP. With 30-40 trucks accessing the site on any given day, managing the speed of vehicles is critical to the safety of employees and contractors.

“Studies show that for every kilometre over the speed limit of 10kph, the driver has less time to react and take measures to stop,” says Peter Brooks, North Island Hire Manager for CSP. “This trial should provide insights on how Humes can make valuable improvements on site.”

The VMS will be trialled over several weeks so the company can conduct a traffic analysis by recording, in real-time, the number of vehicles passing and their speed. The data will then be used to obtain an overview of the current situation onsite. This will help decide whether improved signage or installing speed humps will improve safety.

Two messages are being trialled on the VMS, one to remind drivers of the speed limit, and the other to alert drivers - as they leave the site - of their responsibility to secure loads on their trucks.

The sign has only been up for a few weeks and Brent McCarthy, Production Manager for Humes, says he has already seen positive effects. "People are saying that they notice it straight away and are slowing down. We have had very positive feedback from visitors and customers, who say they are far more aware of their speed after seeing the sign.”

"The VMS is big, bright and easy to see,” adds Peter. “It's an obvious beacon to safeguard the Humes employees and customers and to keep everyone’s speed down."

"The VMS reinforces to our staff and customers that we care about safety and are willing to take measures to ensure everyone is safe in our yard,” adds Brent. “Thanks to the team at CSP who have loaned us the VMS.”

Customer:Humes Pipeline Systems
Location:Papakura, Auckland
DateOctober 2015

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