VMS - Keeps our workers safe

Glenfield Road is a major arterial road on the North Shore with more than 30,000 vehicles using it each day. With a projected increase in traffic volumes of 3% per year, the then North Shore City Council and now Auckland Transport, embarked on a project to increase traffic capacity, ease congestion and improve pedestrian and cycle safety.

“We have been working on this project for the last year and over that time we have used CSP's hire team for the supply of hire barriers for traffic management purposes,” says Paul Henderson, Project Manager for Fulton Hogan.

“We had TL-1 Water-Wall™ Barrier in use on Glenfield Road for Fulton Hogan and we met with Paul regularly to discuss his requirements,” says Mario Bennett, Hire Sales Engineer. “In one of our meetings Paul advised that he was having difficulty with the speed of the traffic along Glenfield Road - although they had a reduced speed zone, it didn't seem to be working.”

Fulton Hogan had tried a variety of measures to slow down motorists. Everything from physical restrictions - cones and barriers - small variable messages signs, static signals and even using the NZ Police to ticket speedsters. “We tried everything to protect our people so when I mentioned the problem to Mario he suggested CSP’s VMS system which can not only post messages but it also includes speed radar,” adds Paul.

“After discussions with Fulton Hogan about the messages they wanted to convey to motorists they came up with ‘KEEP OUR WORKERS SAFE – FH’ which we easily programmed into the system,” adds Mario. “In a speed zone of 30kph they really wanted to show the driver’s speed and thank them if they stayed within the speed limit and remind them with a flashing ‘SLOW DOWN’ if they didn’t.”

“The impact was immediate,” explains Paul. “We are really happy that the messages we are using are positive. Our guys noticed that motorists reduced speed as soon as the sign went into place. I think CSP’s VMS signs are just brilliant. Mario has also done an amazing job and will drop anything to assist when we ask. What can I say - we are really happy.”

Principle:Auckland Transport
Contractor:Fulton Hogan
Location:Glenfield Road, Auckland
Product:VMS Message Signs – with in built speed radar
DateFebruary 2013

Bridge Rail from CSP® makes for a good looking retrofit!

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