Water-Wall™ TL-1 Barrier - Fits the bill at Auckland Airport

Auckland International Airport Ltd has been making changes to the Auckland domestic terminal to meet the needs of the growing number of domestic travellers using the airport. Improved traffic flow, increased parking and a range of other changes for the long-term improvement of the terminal were planned - all while both domestic terminals remained open.

Managing improvements with travellers still using the terminals required some clever traffic management by the Downer team. Barriers from CSP’s Hire Division were used to cordon off pedestrians, commercial and other traffic while the work was undertaken.

“There was a requirement by Auckland Airport that any barriers used preferably be new, definitely be clean - without any graffiti - and all one colour,” said Ronaldo Jamalos, Project Supervisor from Downer Construction. “A colleague of mine suggested I ring CSP and I ended up talking to Mario Bennett and told him what I needed.”

“When Ronaldo rang and explained the situation we fortunately had brand new Water-Wall™ TL-1 Barrier on hand to give to Downer for this job,” says Mario Bennett, Hire Sales Engineer for CSP. “They also had a requirement for a Trailer Mounted Variable Message Sign (VMS) which they wanted to use for traffic destined for the Jetstar terminal so it could be redirected off George Bolt Drive via another route.”

CSP delivered the barriers required, filling and installing them on schedule. Ronaldo explains, “Mario and the guys at CSP have just been great. I ring Mario and it happens. They have given us the best service - I couldn’t have asked for better.”

With the work on the forecourt of the terminals nearing completion the CSP Hire team have been removing the barriers and equipment as required. “We were just happy to help with what Downer needed,” adds Mario. “It seems our Water-Wall™ TL-1 Barrier fitted the bill perfectly.”

Stage one - Changes to the terminal include:

  • Creating a dedicated transport hub for taxi and shuttle pick up at the Western forecourt (currently Jetstar)
  • Directing commercial and public vehicles to separate forecourts, each accessed via one-way networks
  • Changing the traffic flow from George Bolt Memorial Drive to both forecourts
  • Traffic to the Eastern forecourt (currently Air New Zealand) can only enter via George Bolt Memorial Drive
  • Traffic to the Western forecourt must go via Cyril Kay Road
  • Relocating public drop-off to the outer lane of the Eastern forecourt
  • Installing covered canopies in the public drop-off area

Principle:Auckland International Airport Ltd
Contractor:Downer Construction
Location:Auckland Airport
Product:Water-Wall™ TL-1 Barrier and Variable Message Signs (VMS)
DateApril 2013

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