
May 2019
Telecommunication towers to support connectivity for rural NZ

With a small population and a relatively large landmass, connecting th...

December 2018
Newly installed Armorwire saves lives on Hawke’s Bay Expressway

Armorwire® Wire Rope Barrier is a legacy productOne of the first elem...

October 2018
ArmorZone™ TL-2 Plastic Barriers out in force for Baypark to Bayfair upgrade

Tauranga is a city on the move, literally and figuratively, claiming t...

August 2018
M2PP – Miles of life-saving barrier

The 18km, four-lane Mackays to Peka Peka Expressway that takes SH1 alo...

June 2018
CSP’s barriers in use on the new Kawarau bridge - from start to finish

The new, stylishly curved Kawarau Falls Bridge, on the main route to S...

June 2018
Lighting up the Twin Coast Discovery Highway

The Twin Coast Discovery Highway will be even brighter as it passes th...

June 2018
Newly installed safety improvements on SH3 prove their worth

Armorwire® Wire Rope Barrier is a legacy product Safety improvements ...

February 2018
CSP barrier solutions protect new static speed camera network

In 2017, 379 people died on New Zealand roads – the highest annual n...

February 2018
CSP barriers installed early on the Pūhoi to Warkworth project

X-350 End Terminal is a legacy productAnyone that has travelled on Sta...

Bridge Rail from CSP® makes for a good looking retrofit!

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